
Hello, my name is [NAME] and I am the [ROLE] at [COMPANY]. I will be facilitating today’s interview. Thank you very much for sparing your time for this interview again.



To get started, [ASK A WARM UP QUESTION]…

Interview Questions

If you are conducting a user interview, ask your questions here.... Shape your questions based on the research questions you came up with the rest of the team. Avoid questions with YES or NO answers. If you ask a YES or NO question, always follow up with "Why".

Always follow up with "Can you elaborate that a little bit more" or "Why". Do not cut participants words. Wait for them to complete their thoughts and give them enough time to think.


Thank you very much for all your insights. This was really helpful. Do you have any questions for me?

Do you have any other feedback, suggestions or general views about our product?

Thank you again. As mentioned, you will receive your [AMOUNT OF GIFT CARD] by [DATE]. If you have any questions later on, please feel free to email me at [EMAIL ADDRESS].