What is it?

Concept testing is giving users a rough approximation of a product or service in order to understand if they would want or need such product or service.

A concept should convey the key essence of a product. A researcher shares this approximation with users in order to determine whether it meets the needs of the target audience.

Note that it’s very important to ask the right questions here — since the user will not have much to do, concept tests run the risk of becoming very opinionated. Create a script that gets to the core functionality of the design,and keep concept tests short.

Why is it important?

Concept testing can help explore if a product or service is viable, who would likely purchase it, the expected price range, key benefits of the product, situations they would use it, and where they would expect to purchase it.

When to use?

You have a very early concept (or possibly two that are quite different) with little to no interaction, and you want to test the direction(s) before taking any next steps.

Don’t wait for a fully-formed product. Start testing on a mock-up or semi-functional prototype (even low-fidelity ones) as long as you can explain to users what’s required from them.

What to test?

Who to test with?


<aside> 💡 Be careful with the surveys as you might not be able to explain the concept well in writing, especially when the product is at its very early stages.



What to look at?